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About Us

We've been building online stores since 2015.

Having multiple 6 and 7 figure stores teaches you a thing or two about business, and selling online. Our founder also worked on 8 series of the BBC show Dragon’s Den, and sat through nearly a thousand hours of interviews and pitches during her time there -picking up up a massive amount of knowledge and understanding about what makes a business really work, and which products make brilliant businesses.

Elspeth Hughes founded The Ecom Business Academy after  teaching friends , family (and anyone else who'd listen!), how to get started with this simple to start, low cost method of selling online, called drop shipping - and when 2020 brought the world to a standstill, she took her teaching online and started teaching students around the world exactly how to build these stores. 

As a single mum, without the luxury of time or money, she created and developed multiple 6 figure businesses on a shoe string budget taking only 1-2 hours per week to do so, and this is exactly what is taught throughout our courses today - start small, scale big. 

We strive to bring our students the latest information, tools and services to get their businesses up and running and making sales in as short a time as possible - because we know that the faster you can be up and running, the better the chance you have of keeping up the momentum and succeeding in turning your little idea into a fully fledged business. 

We share every bit of useful information with you - what’s working now, what’s not and we watch current trends across marketing, online and retail shopping. 

Having up to date information is VITAL when you’re starting out - if we can save you time, money and effort, we’ll make sure you know how. 

Our recent masterclass sessions on using AI to slash your set up times by up to 90%, are just one of the ways we can use new technology to our advantage. Most courses on the market now are still teaching methods from 5 years ago, which frankly, don't work any more.

If you want to find out more about the way we teach and what to expect, register for our free, Drop Ship Masterclass and get started on your e-com adventure today.

Disclaimer: No Earnings Projections, Promises Or Representations

By buying any of our products or services through our websites or in person or via our joint venture partners and affiliates, you acknowledge and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of our products - Please read our full earnings disclaimer here: 

This website (ecombusinessacademy.com) is owned and operated by Always Learning Ltd, a limited company registered in England and Wales . Company number 14638621

Always Learning Ltd trading as The Ecom Business Academy, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ

© 2023 Always Learning Ltd. All rights reserved.